Thursday, June 28, 2012

Reworking….new "old" artwork

Working on new art for the Wyandotte Street Art Fair in two weeks. Is is a reworking of an older drawing called "Dolores"  I also have some new bookmarks in the works and a few other things up my sleeves….  ;-) 
I am hoping to have quite a few new works done for this fair. At four days long it is, by far, the longest art fair I've done to date and I'm not to sure how to stock for it.  If dreams come true than I'll need a lot of "hole fillers" because I've sold a lot of framed originals and have to fill the voids they've left behind.  Worst case scenario is I'm stocked up on artwork for the foreseeable future….LOL. Though that doesn't seem to last that long once I've completed pieces they tend to leave me for other abodes. I guess that's a good thing that all my "little babies" get to find new homes to be loved in.
Okay… to create….. keep cool and enjoy art!

Thursday, June 07, 2012

A little summer fun….'Ladybug'

The Secret

Here's a new piece called "The Secret". It's called that after the Emily Dickinson poem of the same name that's lodged in the 4th ring from the center. When I had finished the piece I had those 5 spaces open and I wanted to add some text of some kind or another. I thought that a poem would work there and Emily Dickinson has a lot of 4 and 5 line poems so I got out my worn volume of her poems and leafed through it. The book practically opened itself to the page with this poem on it. I thought it worked well with the drawing. It spoke of 'things that fly" (dragonfly) and of "things that stay" (bricks, fossils, stones). The muse provides again….I couldn't have found a better poem! That synchronicity happens a lot for me….it's uncanny how often that it happens. Believe it or not I usually let my pieces tell me what their names are. I think "title?" and wait to see what answers come to me. Usually it's obvious. I hear the word(s) and they feel right. Thus the title arrives However this piece couldn't let go of the poem's title so it ended up with the same name.

Wednesday, June 06, 2012

Berkley Art Bash

Hello friends!  
Time for the Berkley Art Bash!
Come on down and find me...booth #24!