Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Spring Artists Market

I almost forgot! I'll be here the following weekend!

The market is open to the public from 11am-5pm on Sunday, March 10th, and from 3pm-8pm on Monday, March 11th. 

96 W. 14 Mile Rd
Clawson, MI 48017

Okay..Back to work….

Looks like I've got to get a move on! That's real close! LOL :-)

Royal Oak Artist Market…1st Art Fair of the Season!

I'll be here ….will you?

Tuesday, February 12, 2013


It's studio day....I'm working. Well not so much working as cleaning up the India ink I spilled on the beige carpet in the studio :(

Thursday, February 07, 2013

1st nibble on art fair fishing line!

Oooo I'Ve got the first nibble on my line! Application accepted for Leon & Lulu's Spring Artist Market! The market is open to the public from 11am-5pm on Sunday, March 10th, and from 3pm-8pm on Monday, March 11th.

Tuesday, February 05, 2013

Getting ready

I'm buckling down on getting things done for spring. It seems like there's a lot of time but it zips by fast and before you know it there's an Art Fair looming! :)