Thursday, September 19, 2013

End of Art Fair Season…. ;-(

Drying out the tent and unloading the van today. Storing it all away for next year. It's slow going 'cuz I caught a cold over the weekend at Funky Ferndale and it's kicking my @$$… :-(  I have no scheduled shows between now and March so I plan on getting a lot of things caught  up around the house and studio. I have a lot of stock so that means I can do some experimenting in the studio that I've been meaning to do. I'll keep you posted. I may be offering some sale items in the next couple of months just trying to reduce my stock and make some room in the studio. Also I have a new web page in the works I will let you know when that is ready. The old website will have a link to it as well.
Many thanks to all of you who came out to see me this art fair season and to the new folks who liked my page it was great to meet you!
Keep your eyes on this space… never know  what might happen…. ;-D

Thursday, June 27, 2013

New Prints in time for this weekend's art fair: Art in the Sun in Northville!

New prints! I've add 4 new prints and 2 new cards to my inventory, just in time for this weekend's art fair : Art in the Sun in Northville, MI. Pictured: Above LtoR: 'Sweet Mint & Winter Lace" prints, "Regal Plumage" cards & prints. Belove LtoR: 'Kaleidoscope Blossoms' prints & cards, 'Stainglass Sparrow' prints.
This weekend you can find me here :-)
Northville's Art in the Sun

Friday, June 28, 3-9; 
Saturday June 29, 10-8; 
Sunday, June 30, 10-5.

Thursday, June 06, 2013

Berkley Art Bash!

Okay my friends I'm just reminding you that I'll be at the Berkley Art Bash on 
Saturday, 10-6pm!
I've been hard at work and the entire booth is full of new art. 
(More or less, there's one or two die hards hanging around.) You'll get to see all the lovelies…like this one…

Thursday, May 16, 2013

Here's the summer portion of this years art fair schedule….

Monday, April 15, 2013

Partial schedule for this art fair season…..

Berkley Art Bash
June 8, 2013
10am - 6pm
The Berkley Art Bash is located on 12 mile between 
Coolidge & Greenfield.  The festivities fill up 4 blocks 
between streets, Tyler & Wakefield.  
43rd Royal Oak Outdoor Art Fair
Saturday, July 13, 2013 - 10:00am - 6:00pm 
Sunday, July 14, 2013 10am -  5:00pm

The 43rd Annual Royal Oak Outdoor Art Fair will be held at Memorial Park 
(Corner of Woodward Avenue & 13 Mile Road)
47th Art & Apples

Rochester Park
Sixth and Pine Streets, Downtown Rochester

Friday, September 6 - 4pm - 7:30pm
Saturday, September 7 - 9am - 7:30pm
Sunday, September 8 - 9am - 4pm

Thursday, April 11, 2013

The "Horse of Art"

Yesterday I had the pleasure of doing a demonstration for The Shelby Township Fine Art Society. I had a wonderful time and they seemed to also. It was the first time I had done a live demo and I was a bit nervous. I managed to overcome that with a bit of humor (who knew?). It was a very interesting evening. I had to explain my process which took some thinking on my part, because the process is something I usually just let happen and don't pay attention to. Sounds weird I know. Oh there are things I'm concious of but for the most part I let the piece tell me where it wants to go and that requires letting go and giving the "horse of art" it's head so it can run. It's hard to explain. But I guess I managed to articulate that crazy process to the Fine Art Society….either that or they didn't want to question the crazy artist lady any further lest she lose it right there…..LOL

Tuesday, March 26, 2013

My art on your walls!

Well not YOUR walls….YET. 
But someone sent me a picture and a movie of my art on their walls. I really LOVE to see this stuff. The best part about creating art is knowing that it brightens someone else's world! Thanks to Karen LeButte for letting me post these…she's the best! She says she loves going in her sewing room and seeing my artwork. 
Thanks Karen!

This piece is an original that Karen reframed. Very nice job!

Thanks so much for sharing Karen. 
You did a great job framing these prints. 
Any one else want to show me what you did with the art you purchased from me? Drop me a line at: 
and send me some pictures and I'll post them. 
Can't wait to see them!

Friday, March 15, 2013

Arts & Apples!

Good news people I've got accepted into Art & Apples for this Sept! More info to follow :)

Monday, March 11, 2013

Leon & Lulu's….it's all over except for the restocking!

Well my friends Leon & Lulu's was a lot of fun. Met some really nice people. Two of my framed original pieces found new homes along with prints and cards and even a bookmark (still gotta figure out how to make bookmarks for the kindle..LOL) So it was a successful little venture. I think I'll do it again if they'll have me :) And with the 4 originals I sold last weekend at the Royal Oak Artists Market I've got a lot of work to do….that's like a whole wall of my art fair booth gone! Yikes! I better get to work! 

Leon & Lulu's Spring Artist Market

Wow! What a fun place! I had a great time, met some great people, sold art and really enjoyed this artists market! I'll be back again :) !

Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Spring Artists Market

I almost forgot! I'll be here the following weekend!

The market is open to the public from 11am-5pm on Sunday, March 10th, and from 3pm-8pm on Monday, March 11th. 

96 W. 14 Mile Rd
Clawson, MI 48017

Okay..Back to work….

Looks like I've got to get a move on! That's real close! LOL :-)

Royal Oak Artist Market…1st Art Fair of the Season!

I'll be here ….will you?

Tuesday, February 12, 2013


It's studio day....I'm working. Well not so much working as cleaning up the India ink I spilled on the beige carpet in the studio :(

Thursday, February 07, 2013

1st nibble on art fair fishing line!

Oooo I'Ve got the first nibble on my line! Application accepted for Leon & Lulu's Spring Artist Market! The market is open to the public from 11am-5pm on Sunday, March 10th, and from 3pm-8pm on Monday, March 11th.

Tuesday, February 05, 2013

Getting ready

I'm buckling down on getting things done for spring. It seems like there's a lot of time but it zips by fast and before you know it there's an Art Fair looming! :)